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Funded Qualifications
Witness Testimony – Crane Supervisor
Witness Testimony – Crane Supervisor
Witness Testimony
This testimony must be completed by an expert witness. The expert witness must only tick statements where the candidate has been observed carrying out duties during normal work activities/operations.
Definition of an Expert Witness
The Expert witness must know the candidate, have full familiarity of the work activities identified in the testimony, be in a supervisory or mentor position, and have enough thorough understanding of the item of plant and the application of the work that the testimony relates to.
Candidate First Name
Candidate Last Name
Expert Witness First Name
Expert Witness Last Name
Job Title (Expert Witness)
Company Name (Expert Witness)
Contact number (Expert Witness)
Expert Witness Declaration Statements
I can confirm that I have personally known the candidate for (years)
I can confirm that:
I have known the candidate in their capacity as a Crane Lift Supervisor
I have a thorough knowledge and understanding of the roles and responsibilities of a Crane Lift Supervisor and how the individual meets the requirements of this role within the Construction Industry
I understand the content of all the criteria detailed below and I am providing an endorsement for
Expert Witness Signature
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Witness Testimony Criteria
Within the last (put the number of years in the box below), the above named at various stages during construction work demonstrated that they:
Develop and Maintain Good Working Relationships Unit
Has shown the ability to develop, maintain and encourage working relationships to promote goodwill and trust within the lifting team.
Informs relevant people about work activities in an appropriate level of detail and with an appropriate degree of urgency.
Offers advice and help to relevant people about work activities and encourages questions, requests for clarification and comments from colleagues.
Clarifies the proposals with the relevant people and discuss alternative suggestions with regards to lifting operations.
Has the ability to resolve differences of opinion in ways that minimises offence and maintains goodwill, trust and respect.
Supervising Lifting Activities Unit
Carries out the supervision of lifting activities following given data, and that he or she minimises disruption and maintains optimum performance of the lifting operations.
Observes and ensures compliance with current legislation and official guidance appropriate to the work environment.
Identifies and assesses faults and problems and recommends corrective actions which conform to safe working methods and practices.
Conduct pre-work checks to meet statutory requirements, official guidance and maintains safe working methods and practices.
Keeps accurate records of work progress checks, faults, problems and quantities involved in each task.
Conducts post-work checks to ensure completion of the work method data.
Identifies, assesses and maintains the necessary resources for lifting activities.
Maintain Systems for Health, Safety, Welfare & Environmental Protection Unit
Encourages a culture of health, safety, welfare and environmental awareness at all times.
Identifies and recommends opportunities for improving health, safety and welfare for people on site.
Ensures the workforce and visitors to the site are inducted and checks the competence of those under their control.
Follows organisational procedures for the requisition of consumables, materials and other resources.
Ensures the serviceability of health, safety, welfare and environment protection equipment and resources as required.
Is involved in the implementaion of systems, which meet organisational and statutory requirements for the identification of hazards and reduction of risks; reporting accidents and emergencies and preventing recurrence.
Is involved in carrying out checks of health, safety, welfare and environmental protection systems regularly in accordance with organisational and statutory requirements as required.
Identifies and reports any special site conditions which do not comply with organisational and statutory requirements.
Co-ordinate Work Control Unit
Assembles and reviews relevant information used in the preparation of the project plan and clarifies any information, which is not clear.
Communicates and agrees a programme, methods and attendance with the people who will be doing the work.
Plans and obtains sufficient resources and ensures the attendance of the appropriate resources, to ensure the project requirements and timescales are met.
Organises and controls the site and resources so that conditions are safe, the site is tidy and creates a favourable image of the organisation, it products, its services and the project.
Organises work activities and implements measures to take into account appropriate factors that could affect the operation of the lifting activity being undertaken.
Allocate & Monitor the Use of Plant, Equipment & Machinery Unit
Produces clear requests for plant, equipment or machinery, which meet the needs of the project.
Ensures and records that plant, equipment or machinery meets the operational and statutory requirements prior to use on site and allocates it to the operations for which it is suitable.
Identifies hazards and assesses any risk arising from the use of plant, equipment or machinery and implements measures that are used to protect people and the environment.
Keeps records of the use of plant, equipment or machinary involved in the lifting operation.
Recommends alternative types of plant, equipment or machinery to decision-makes where existing plant, equipment or machinery is less suitable for use on site.
Issues instructions for the use of plant, equipment or machinery to operators.
Checks and confirms that operators are allowed to use plant, equipment or machinery for which thay have the required level of training and certification and monitors that they are working safely.
Ensures the appropriate storage, servicing and maintenance of plant, equipment or machinery is carried out to meet operational and statutory requirements.
Inform the relevant decision-makers promptly when plant, equipment or machinery is no longer required.
Maintain the Dimensional Accuracy of the Work Unit
Ensure the workforce is provided with sufficient clear and accurate information to enable them to position, align and/or level the lifting operation.
Observes and checks dimensional controls and records the results to ensure the quality standards are met.
Is capable of identifying any deviations in position, alignment or level and takes measures to correct them promptly.
When required recommends revised work procedures and practices to minimise deviations which allow for different circumstances and conditions.
Co-ordinate Preparation for Site Operations Unit
Identifies and uses relevant information, which when used in the preparation of the project plan, clarifies any information, which is not clear, and updates it for production planning purposes.
Identifies any factors which might affect the proposed works, describes and summarises them accurately and passes on the information to the people who may be affected.
Confirms access points for the site and works which are safe and includes work traffic and pedestrian segregation in order to minimise disruption.
Confirms arrangements for adequet site safety, welfare and security before work starts, and whilst working on site.
Confirms the availability of resources.
Implements the site layout for operational purposes and passes on information about the plans to the people who will be working on the site.
Ensures that the storage and use of materials and components is correct at all times so that material handling and movement of loads is efficient and wastage is minimised.
Places and maintains notices which provide accurate information to the relevant personnel and ensures they conform to statutory and site requirements.
Ensures sufficient notice has been given to all the people who will be affected, about when the work will start, how long it will take and when it will finish.
Allocate Work and Check People’s Performance Unit
Confirms the programmes and schedules, identify priorities and critical activities, and plans how the work will be undertaken.
Allocates work to team members, takes account of their current circumstances, and briefs them on the quality standards or level expected.
Monitors the progress and quality of the work and provides prompt and constructive feedback to the relevant personnel
Motivates team members to complete the work that has been allocated to them and provides, where requested and possible, any additional support and/or resources requested by the lifting personnel.
Is capable of identifying unacceptable or poor performance, and can then discuss the cause(s) and agree ways of improving performance with team members.
Recognises successful completion of significant pieces of work, or work activities, by team/team members and provide reports to the appropriate responsible people.
Expert Witness Signature
Sign Here
I can confirm that I have interviewed the Expert Witness and I am Satisfied that they meet the requirements of the assessment strategy in respect of the criteria and is fully capable of providing this Witness Testimony
Assessor Signature
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