This is the general statement and arrangements for equal opportunities policy and procedures as adopted by FDE Training Services Ltd.

FDE Training Services is committed to providing equal opportunities in employment and throughout all their working practices. This means that all job applicants and employees and candidates enrolled upon training or development training, will receive equal and fair treatment regardless of sex, marital status, race, age, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity, religion or belief, sexual orientation or disability. The company’s approach to equal opportunities encompasses FDE Training Services policies for recruitment, training, promotion and terms and conditions of employment.

FDE Training Services values its employees and clients and has a responsibility to promote good practices, which ensure the fair treatment and wellbeing at work. All judgments with regards to employees, contractors and candidates will be done solely on the basis of merit.


The following are examples of the kinds of discrimination, which are against the principles of FDE Training Services policy of equal opportunities.

  1. Direct discrimination, which is where an individual is less favoured. An example would be where someone is refused promotion on the grounds that they are coloured, female or disabled.
  • Indirect discrimination, this occurs where a requirement or condition for employment or work procedure, which cannot be justified, is applied equally to all groups, but has a disproportionately adverse effect on one particular group.
  • Victimisation, Is where someone is treated less favourably than others, this could be because they have taken action against the company, possibly under one of the relevant acts of parliament.


Any compliant with regards to discrimination, direct or indirect will be promptly, thoroughly and sympathetically investigated by FDE Training Services.

Any employee of FDE Training Services, regardless of employment status, who has been found to contravene these equal opportunities policy by carrying out a discriminatory act or acts, will be subject to FDE Training Services disciplinary procedures.

All people within FDE Training Services have a responsibility to ensure that they conduct themselves in a manner, which does not discriminate unfairly against any other employee, client or candidate.


The effectiveness of this policy is to be monitored at all levels of FDE Training Services structure and operation, this will take the form of customer response forms, that personnel will be required to complete in order to provide statistical information on equal opportunities and provide an opportunity to bring to our attention any relevant situation.

The use of such forms is to be encouraged, particularly within areas that deal with recruitment, selection or enrolment. As part of the compilation of such information, these forms are to be retained by FDE Training Services and archived for a period of three years from the date of completion.

Stephen Forde

Managing Director

Issue Date: 05/01/2020                                           Review Date: 31/05/2025                                              Ref: FDE-POL-014