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Slinging and Signalling Quiz
Slinging and Signalling Quiz
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K17 How do you minimise potential hazards with resources and methods of work?
Follow training
All of these
I will use the correct PPE and follow risk assessments and method statements
Follow manufacturers instructions
K4. What is the incorrect way to communicate ideas?
I expect others to communicate on my behalf
At daily briefings
Hand signals
Via radios
K19 Why should disposal of waste be carried out safely? (Pick the best reason)
Its makes the site look tidy
Because I am told to
To protect the environment and people
K12 How would you comply with Environmental practices and legislation?
Segregate waste
Chuck waste paint tins in the skip
Put all waste in one skip
K5. How do you organise resources in conjunction with the progress of work
Order twice as much so I don’t run out
Someone else should do this
Hire at the moment needed and hope the plant is available
Discuss requirements with my manager in advance
K22 Whats a works program for and why?
A work program helps to pre-plan future work schedules/costs more accurately
Program of work allows materials and equipment to be used to their best efficiency and minimises down time
Work programs help to plan and minimise work disruptions
All of these
K1. What should you do if you find incorrect information and unsuitable resources?
I will wait until my manager comes to site and speak to them then
I will try to use whatever resources I have been allocated
Report to my foreman verbally and my manager by phone or at my works briefing where alternative resources are arranged
I hope someone else reports any problems
K11. How would you use safety control Equipment on site?
Only a Health and Safety officer can use safety equipment
I will follow the training given
I will do what I think best without been trained
K13 How would you request or order materials or consumables? (Select 2)
I would put items needed on my daily check sheet which gets handed in
I would ask my line manager or supervisor
I don’t need to request materials
K7. What level of understanding should an operative have to complete tasks given?
I need to understand Safe Systems of Work
All of these
I need to know my responsibilities under HSAW 1974
I need to work to Risk assessments and Method Statements
K10. How do you report accidents on site? (Select 2)
I will record any accidents in the accident report book
I only report accidents if I am hospitalised
Phone line manager and report any accidents
I don’t need to report accidents
K6. In relation to skills needed to carry out my work, which is False
I have to demonstrate through competence that I can safely carryout my tasks
I must be able to communicate with all personnel on site and fully complete all paperwork
I don’t have to have any skills
K8. What should you do in an emergency?
Ignore it, it’s probably a practice
I should follow procedures and my training
Carry on working
K2. What should you NOT do if you are unsure
Try and work it out
Check the work specification and resources from the work instructions
Check the Method Statement I have been given
Check the manufacturers guidelines
K16 + K20 How are resources and work methods chosen and why?
A work briefing is carried out so that all participants know what is expected of them and feedback can be received
By organising a works program, permits to work can be arranged and resources ordered
A pre-work survey is carried out so that resources can be ordered to minimise any in-efficiency and works programmed can be planned
All of these
K21 How would you maintain tools and Equipment?
Try and work it out myself
As per workshop manual and schedules
Use it till it stops working
K3. What is the procedure for solving problems when they arise?
Carry on working regardless
Wait for the site manager to come to site, then report
Solve it if I have authority or check with line manager
K18 How do you protect work from damage?
I would use control measures detailed in the risk assessment to minimise the risk of hazards
I would hope people would avoid work areas
I would try to warn people when they are too close to work areas
K9. What action would NOT keep tools safe on site?
Sign in and Out all tools
Keep tools in a locked box when not in use
Leave tools lying around where I am working
K14 + K15 What would you do if the plant/resources had a defect or was unsuitable?
Don’t use the plant/resources, report the issues and wait until they are rectified
Make the best of it, time is money
Carry on using it until something better was available
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